I vividly remember as a growing child that I would miss out on a LOT of outside play time because my room often resembled  the scattered thoughts that took over my brain space. I mean, my room was always a MESS and I would straighten things up only when it became too much for ME to deal with. Usually that meant me having to negotiate through the obstacle course just to get to my comfy bed at night. Needless to say, this pissed my parents OFF (ask them, they’ll tell ya). Well, fast forward 20 something years and my home creative space is quite reminiscent of the days of old. It’s always one of those things that I always put on the agenda, but never quite get all the way to it! Cleaning that damn room…

Meet my friend Ebony Mackey. This woman heard my cries for organizational help, came to my home and CHANGED MY LIFE! I have to say, that when I visit Eb’s adorable little condo it ALWAYS looks like a page out of some trendy, urban loft magazine. Everything is always where it’s supposed to be. Nothing like my home…clearly.

Anyhoo, I just want to give you all some idea how awesome this lady is. I personally think that she should quit her job to organize and design spaces for a living (hint hint)…she’s that good.







She clearly has a lot of work on her hands here! (yikes!)

She was working so fast and focused that I felt like I was in the way…so I took pics.

She found things in that room that I hadn’t seen in years (oops).

WOW…look at the progress!

She did a great job and I’m SOOOOOOOOOOO glad she did it! If you have a mess as big as mine, send her an email…i’m sure she’ll give you a good price if you tell her I sent you!

Click here for her email addy!